Sunday, February 28, 2010

Time management, social media and deadlines

Time management is an issue for any social media manager. For a journalist who needs to get a daily paper out, it only makes meeting deadlines all the more challenging. But it is possible to make the most of social media while also getting tomorrow's paper delivered on time.

I have worked with editors who express doubt that social media is worth a journalist's time. I've also worked with editors who can't get enough of cross promotion between Web and print products. But many journalists may ask, where's the balance? How much time spent on social media is too much? Or, how little is too little?

To answer these questions, it's only necessary to check in with your time management skills. As Matt Dominis, Web editor for Sun-Times Media, sums it up:

"Every time I log into a social media site at work, time disappears into a very large black hole."
How true for so many of us. For that reason, I want to outline a few tips I have picked up along the way while successfully managing two social media accounts for The Beacon-News (Twitter and Facebook), a daily print features section, and three personal social media accounts with which I keep up on a daily basis (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn).

Ask yourself: Why is your publication using social media?

It is imperative that every social journalist answers this question. Because the past year saw such an increase in the number of news outlets jumping on the social networking bandwagon, you must strategize on how your publication and its branding will stand out from the competition. Make a decision on what your purpose is with each respective social account: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, whatever you may be managing - much like you would for your personal accounts. This question must be evaluated consistently, because your answer could change on a daily, or even hourly, basis. Once you have an answer, you'll be able to tweak your social interaction to get exactly what you're looking for, and you'll come up with smart post topics more quickly. Other great questions to ask yourself include:
  • Is your news organization on Facebook to find local sources?
  • Are you trying to increase Web site traffic?
  • Attract more interest in the print product? 
  • Gain better understanding of social media?
  • Is your news organization on Twitter simply because the competition is?
  • Do you plan to use it only to blast headlines as they go online, or to talk to other Twitter users?
Have a purpose with every Facebook post or tweet, and you'll find that the quality and content of each post will come to you more easily as you manage your time - or multitask, as Craig Newman puts it when asked how he successfully manages The Chicago Sun-Times' Twitter account while fulfilling other newsroom duties as the assistant managing editor/special projects. "Time management? Ha! Multitasking. Posting to five different places at once - usually while waiting for CMS to catch up," he says. "Phone access is crucial ... especially for feedback with the followers, questions, ranters, etc."

Find a social media management tool you like

"Use apps that lets you see multiple social networks in one place," advises Tiffany Black, editorial producer at and "Writing and Editing for the Web" instructor at MediaBistro. There are many tools available for download to help you manage multiple social media accounts, including your personal ones.
  • Hoot Suite: This is my favorite. With Hoot Suite, I can manage @Beacon_Readers, @CynthiaGoldberg, my personal Facebook page and my personal LinkedIn profile, all in separate tabs on one screen. It's much easier and faster than logging into various accounts many times a day, and it has great features such as tracking how many clicks you get on each link posted. It also makes retweeting more convenient. Other helpful management tools include:
  • TweetDeck: Log into your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace accounts here and view them in different columns all on the same screen. It is reported to be the most popular social media application.
  • CoTweet: This business-oriented application allows multiple people to communicate through Twitter accounts and stay in sync while doing so. "No dropped balls, no stepping on each other's toes," its Web site says.
  • PeopleBrowsr: PeopleBrowsr describes itself as a "Social Search engine and a Conversation Mine" that dives into digital conversations and engages across multiple networks at the same time.
For more info, read "Five Twitter Management Tools You Can't Live Without."

When to post

"Set times that you will check social media because it can be a time suck ... something like once a day from x to y time," Black says.

I have committed at least three times of the business day to posting to my professional social media accounts. No matter the number that is right for you, the key is to remain consistent. I like to post first thing in the morning, at lunch, and within my last hour in the newsroom. That's not only when it's easiest for me based on my print deadlines, but they're also our peak hours on The Beacon-News' Web site - which tells me it's peak time on Facebook and Twitter, too. I also like to use these times to read the posts and tweets of those I'm following, too, so I can engage with the paper's community and potential followers as much as possible.

Stay committed to your designated times, and you'll find the level of interaction with your following at those times will increase. Let breaking news and other posts such as finding sources come and go naturally; they will be quick posts anyway. I recommend the following in terms of frequency of posts:
  • Twitter: Tweets can get lost from the home feed very quickly if your followers are following hundreds of other accounts (and not taking advantage of Twitter lists). Tweet smartly and tweet often. A close friend of mine, Online and Social Media Marketing Manager of Perficient and social media blogger Erin Eschen, recommends at least 10 tweets a day. As a news organization, I believe even going up to 20 tweets in a day, depending on how slow or fast-paced a news day it is. Social journalists are a different species in the Web 2.0 world than other businesses - users are of the frame of mind that news should come to them, so let's give it to them as often as possible without becoming overwhelming.
  • Facebook: My opinion is to keep your limit at three to five average posts a day, with room for two to three breaking news updates or otherwise immediate and necessary posts. You don't want to post to Facebook too often, as your fans may just end up hiding you from their news feed if you start to get in the way of their friends' updates.
Follow and embrace your competition

View your competition for what it is: Competition of your readers' time, interest and money. Be sure to follow every news outlet in your immediate area, as well as major U.S. and world news outlets. You'll see how often, or how little, your local competition is posting, and it will keep you on your toes in terms of coverage. If their post quality is only so-so, do not use that as your standard for quality. Use it as a challenge and tell yourself (and your readers) that your posts will be better and more worth your following's time. To follow your local TV, radio and newspaper competitors may take some time away from your duties to manage social media and producing a newspaper, but it is just as important to read your competition's Facebook and Twitter feeds as it is reading, watching or listening to its product.

Don't let the weekends stress you out

If I have time, I like to post to The Beacon-News' Facebook page on the weekends. And because of news' 24/7 nature, fans and followers appreciate the updates even on the weekends. Perhaps your newsroom has more than one manager of social media tools - if this is the case, one of you should be able to post on the weekends. If it is just one person, do what you can to keep the conversation going even on low activity days. But remember that most people are on Twitter and Facebook less on the weekends, so don't feel bad if you are not as active as you are during the week.

Take advantage of mobile devices

If you have a Blackberry or iPhone, download a Twitter application with which you are comfortable (I like UberTwitter), as well as the standard Facebook app. Check your @replies and fan page comments on your way to the newsroom, and in the evening before heading to bed. Oftentimes readers will @reply or write on The Beacon's Facebook wall questioning the outcome of an accident or other newsworthy event they witnessed - you want to be able to reply to them in a timely manner, even if just to say, "we are still looking into it." A smart phone will help you stay on top of remaining valuable to your readers at all hours of the day, and will keep you connected to what your following is talking about. Just don't let it consume you to the point that you are the person at the bar every Saturday night tweeting for work. Take a break!

The best advice I can offer above all is to make post quality your No. 1 priority, and that deserves quality time. Take every posting session seriously, and give yourself time to make it worth something to your following. I go back to my first point: If you don't know what you are looking to get out of social media as a news organization, why are you a part of it? Have a purpose and stay committed to it. It will make the time that social media takes from our print duties well worth the cost.

"(Social media has) got to be woven in as an expectation, not an add-on," says University of Missouri journalism professor Joy Mayer.
I couldn't agree more.

If you have some time management tips of your own for the social journalist, please share. Have a great week!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Journalists' voices louder with every little tweet

Journalists are used to operating behind the scenes. Let's face it: We document life's excitement, drama, tragedy and comedy, all the while leaving our perspectives out of it, save for a byline. We confine our own opinions to our cubical mates, our editors and our families.

For this reason, I have struggled with the concept of humanizing myself through social media branding. More than a year ago, I began tweeting for The Naperville Sun in a robotic fashion, merely blasting out headlines a few times a day. I quickly realized that while it is a thin line to walk, social media allows journalist moderators to let their sense of humor shine, and provide acceptable, objective commentary about developing news or issues in town that deserve investigation.

As I mentioned in my blog post of 2/8/10, a Facebook or Twitter account takes free speech to a new level, giving readers a new avenue to get in touch with their local newspaper. We should not deny them of that. But I also like to view "the rules" of Facebook and Twitter interaction much like the rules of our news blogs or story comment fields. I like how The Quad-City Times lays out its rules for the blogging reader best:

  • Keep it clean.
  • Don't threaten.
  • Be truthful.
  • Be nice.
  • Let us know if it's getting out of hand.
  • Share what you know.
  • Stay focused (and on topic).
But what do you do when these rules are ignored on Facebook or Twitter? If a person veers off topic to point out what's wrong with your brand, but he or she isn't necessarily insulting ... how do you respond, if at all?
Take this recent example of an off-topic complaint about The Beacon-News on its Facebook page, and how it spiraled into a conversation about how much these readers dislike The Beacon's tabloid format, which launched in September (please click on the image if the type is too small for you):

In my experience watching what other news outlets do with social media and how my own followers respond to various approaches of communication, I find it highly respectable when a social journalist interacts with a fan or follower, no matter the circumstance. Of course, for some newspapers such as the Chicago Sun-Times, which has thousands of fans and followers, this is a much more difficult task. But it should be done as often as possible, no matter the size of your following.

It's also important to note that a complaint in an @reply on Twitter is relatively private, i.e. your other followers won't see it unless you RT it, which wouldn't be necessary. But on your Facebook page, it is out there. Your fans will see how you chose to handle it, and your actions will no doubt create an opinion of your branding skills.

In a case such as this that includes a complaint via Facebook about something that no one in your newsroom has much control over, I choose the avenue of a polite response. It shows that we look at what fans are writing on our page, and we're taking their posts seriously:

You'll notice that regardless of my even tone, one of the readers continued to rant, even using against me a previous column I wrote like my blog post from 2/8/10 that criticizes the city of Aurora, Ill., for eliminating comments altogether. It definitely irked me, but I let it go. He's right. The social reader does have the freedom to interact with his or her hometown newspaper, or with the White House, or with Crate and Barrel via Facebook, as long as there is a Facebook fan page available. And, regardless of his tone with me, I remained consistent with the direction I want The Beacon-News' Facebook page to go, and proceeded to kindly answer his "on topic" question.

My goal and what all social journalists' goal should be is to make sure that we embrace social media to our benefit. When it comes to media especially, many outsiders love to talk us down and call us names. It will continue to happen whether or not we have a Facebook profile. The secret is to keep at our own mission for the benefit of all readers, even those who might be full of gripes. It's not always possible to respond to every complaint, but it is possible when you have an easily attainable social platform that broadcasts your human side to your entire following. And it's always possible to remain positive and polite.

I'm curious if anyone has other suggestions of how to handle the complainers and naysayers on Facebook and Twitter. Please post your advice in the comment field of this blog! And remember, on topic, please ;-)

I'll leave you with my own guidelines of how to stay human while on the social media bandwagon, regardless of whether your following is mostly pessimistic or optimistic:
  • Talk to your readers. If you want them to get in on the conversation, do so yourself. Don't hide behind your computer screen. This also will inevitably help you get to know your audience better, which will inevitably lead to a better product.
  • Don't ignore complaints or questions. Answer as many as possible.  If you don't have an answer, pass it on to another editor or reporter who does. An example:

This was a case in which I was originally trying to help the reporter, Rowena Vergara, by RTing her mission of finding comments for a story she was working on related to School District 308. One of my followers needed more details before answering, which I then realized I could not provide. I simply RTed it back to her, and she got back to him with an answer.
  • When RTing a breaking news headline, or tweeting your own bit of news information from your brand's Web site, add some clever commentary. It will make your link look more enticing, and it will show your followers that you do, in fact, have a personality. @CraigNewman does a great job of this with the @SunTimes Twitter page.
  • Make your avatar your face, if your work Twitter account is also a personal one. Check out my Twitter page for The Beacon-News: The bio states exactly what followers are following: Readers' Editor Cynthia Goldberg (there is a seperate Twitter account just for news headlines @BeaconNews). I made my avatar my smiling face to offer some personality, a human aspect, and a window into the newsroom. Another example of this tactic is meterologist @GingerZee from NBC 5 news in Chicago. So, if you're a reporter or an editor and you plan only to use Twitter for news purposes, don't feel like you have to use your brand's logo or masthead. Put your face out there, and you just might start to see more interaction.
If you want to learn more about humanizing yourself in the face of social media marketing, I highly recommend this Poynter Webinar from November. It touches on how to handle "the haters," too.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Make most of social media during breaking news

At 3:59 a.m. Feb. 9, Northern Illinois experienced something unusual: a 3.8 magnitude earthquake. Thanks to Sun-Times Media's breaking news text alert, I was aware of this by 5:15 a.m.

I remember learning in my newsroom days at Mizzou that when news strikes, the first thing a good journalist does is head for the newsroom, if the scene of the news is not applicable. I have always agreed. But as I rolled out of bed so early Feb. 9, I learned something else: In my pajamas, as early as 6 a.m., I had the capability - no, the power - of spreading the news to at least 500 people on Facebook and Twitter while at the same time gathering a handful of quality quotes and contact information for reliable sources. And that's exactly what I did.

U.S. Geological Survey map of intensity of shake by community following a 3.8 magnitude temblor Feb. 9. Its epicenter was in Pingree Grove, Ill.
Beating social media at its own game

Anyone, journalist or not, can spread information as quickly as the snap of a techtonic plate these days. And like our inability to control temblors from beneath, the media doesn't have control over what is played off as truth in a Web 2.0 society. But, with quality journalistic instinct and a thorough understanding of how to crowd source, established news outlets will always maintain the power of providing the truth. It's how we shift our news gathering skills that will ultimately keep us relevant in this world of information overload.

Last week's quake presented journalists across Illinois an opportunity to think outside the box and approach breaking news differently than ever. For those who may still freeze in the face of breaking news and social media talk, consider these tips to make your job easier if you just break away from anti-social thinking:
  • Get news out faster than ever: If you work in a newroom like mine, you are familiar with the barriers between the print editors and the Web editors. A lot of coordination and communication needs to be in place for a news package to maintain its respective quality and selling ability in print vs. online. When news breaks, the print and Web editors have to communicate about what needs to go online, and communication then has to travel to the reporter to ensure that updates will come flowing in quickly even as he or she works to beat the print deadline. In the case of the quake, I was on Twitter and Facebook via my mobile device and later my work desktop for hours, gathering quotes and personal accounts of damage to pass along to other editors and reporters for source consideration in print. At the same time, our Web editor was gathering the information we knew was fact, either from the reporter on the story or from official press releases, and consistantly updating the story on our established Web site. Get the news out there ASAP, and get social to bring its benefits back home in a matter of minutes. 
  • Act as a marketer: In a time when money for brand marketing at a newspaper is, for the most part, nonexistant, keep in mind that as a social media representative, you have the responsibility to get your brand noticed, especially in times of breaking news. In today's age, news consumers expect information to come to them. And if you don't do it, someone else will. In Tuesday's case, a tweet as simple as: "BREAKING: Earthquake hits just north of Elgin. Check back here or watch for updates," keeps you relevant in your readers' minds. And, heck, they might just go to your site right then and there, which means another click for your business. Never a bad thing.
  •  Get sourced up in minutes: Through the two obvious mediums, Facebook and Twitter, a reporter who goes social in times of breaking news has access to quotes, phone numbers, addresses and names of sources extremely quickly. In fact, new BBC Director Peter Horrocks didn't waste any time mandating that all journalists in his newsroom must embrace social media and use them to do their jobs. In Mashable blogger Jennifer Van Grove's article from Feb. 9, Horrocks says, "This isn’t just a kind of fad… I’m afraid you’re not doing your job if you can’t do those things." (See: New BBC director mandates journalists use social media). Now, I wouldn't go so far to say that a reporter who doesn't have a Facebook profile is a bad reporter - but, I would consider the reporter foolish for looking past a free and reliable resource to find what he or she is looking for more quickly than walking the streets or knocking on doors looking for a quote. 
    •  With that said, there will always be merit to the journalist's belief that in order to do your job well, you can't do it from your desk. Get out of the newsroom to tell a good story. But, if you're at a loss for where to go to find a good source, try an advanced Twitter search to find out who in your area is talking about what you're covering. Look for a handful of tweets that stand out to you, and simply send an @reply to the user asking if they'd like to talk further with you about his or her experience. Get his or her phone number, or address of where they'll be today, and meet up for a credible conversation.
  • Load a Twitter widget to your news site: The Elgin Courier-News, a sister paper to The Aurora Beacon-News and others in Sun-Times Media, was the primary source for earthquake coverage last week, as the epicenter was in its coverage area. You'll notice on its site a Twitter widget that included real-time chatter surrounding the hashtag #chicagoearthquake.

    Some journalists argue that credibility is at risk when one relies on Twitter for quotes and information. This is completely true. However, widgets lend us a hand as far as giving readers what they expect: Real-time information. You must consider that a Twitter widget, coupled with an article from a credible news establishment, will inevitably make the reader say to him or herself, "Consider the source." Readers know that if they are watching a widget feed of #chicagoearthquake comments that they are only getting the "citizen" portion of the news. But they are still relying on you as the skilled journalist to bring home the real story. Since nailing down factual information and trustworthy sources takes time, take advantage of that Twitter chatter while readers know that it is the same thing, in theory, of listening to their neighbor's account while out getting the mail. The widget allows us as the news establishment to keep the compelling factor alive while we do our duty of flawless news gathering.
Remember: Instinct comes first
  • The ones who tweet us want to talk to us. Usually. Trust your journalistic instict and maintain integrity when crowd sourcing via Twitter and Facebook. In the case of the quake, I had several local residents tweet and Facebook their accounts of the quake directly to me. For example, I did a call-out via Facebook for fans' accounts and about five responded. What I try to do to have peace of mind is tweet/message back as many folks who comment or tweet as I can to ensure The Beacon-News has his or her permission to use what they have said in print. It confirms our own credibility, and it humanizes us. This can be time-consuming if you are trying to use many quotes, but a simple copy-and-paste of your message to each individual is relatively simple. And I haven't received a "no" yet from any of these social sources.
  • There are ways to verify credibility. Suppose a local person tweets our way, "Whoa! Huge accident at Main and Broadway! looks like someone killed; heard they were drunk. Saw him crash into tree." This does not in any way give us the go-ahead to send out a breaking news alert to consumers. If you agree, I'm sure your skin just crawled from the thought! But the beauty of receiving such a tweet does give you a potential leg up against your competition, especially if nothing came over on the police scanner (or if you missed it). Like you would handle a phone tip or scanner report, the proper procedure would be to take the tweet seriously, but skillfully look into the accuracy of the statement. Get confirmation from police or an otherwise relevant offical source. Once that is established, go back to the tipper and ask if they'd like to go on the record about their experience. If so, you have what could be a scoop, complete with a personal account from a local resident. Being a simultaneous social media marketer and a journalist with deadlines can be difficult. The lines of trustworthiness, particularly when you are pressed for time, can gray very easily. The key is to maintain your journalistic instinct and integrity, particularly in the event of breaking news.

    This concept of going social in the heat of breaking news is not just to stay hip with readers, but rather to beat readers at their own game of turning to social media for their news rather than to us - the ones who have actually worked for years at building our own credibility and reporting/editing skills.

    In story meetings, we often ask each other, "What are people talking about?" Well, especially in breaking news scenarios that impact a large group of people, the answer lies within the results page of an advanced Twitter search. The beauty of being a social journalist is that it is incredibly easy to find local people who want to talk about what you are writing about.

    For more tips on how to use Twitter to your advantage, see The Journalist's Guide to Twitter.

    Monday, February 8, 2010

    Facebook takes freedom of speech to new level

    Whoever said social media marketing is so much more than just having a Facebook profile was right.

    We’ve reached a point in the Web 2.0 world where being on Facebook is no longer just a fad for college kids. It’s a communication tool that falls between the lines of need and want. In a society where free speech is a birthright, Facebook (and all other social mediums) have taken our deserving ability to share information freely to a new level.

    My publication, the Aurora (Ill.) Beacon-News, recently reported that the city of Aurora has restricted its Facebook fans from commenting or posting their own information on the city’s fan page. According to former Public Information Officer and Facebook page monitor Amy Roth, the decision was legally based following city attorney Alayne Weingartz’s concerns that fans may type libelous or inappropriate information on an official city forum. I wrote and published an editorial in the Beacon similar to this blog post on Feb. 4, and Roth has since resigned from her post with the city. The city's Facebook profile has also since been taken down.

    It's relatively easy to weed out bad seeds

    As The Beacon-News Facebook fan page moderator, I can philosophically relate to Weingartz’s concerns. At Sun-Times Media (The Beacon-News' umbrella organization), we have had similar discussions about the comments posted on the stories on the Beacon's Web site, and its blogs. But, like with Facebook profiles, we have Web moderators who ensure that any abusive or libelous comments are taken down immediately.

    I have to wonder in the case of the city “redesigning” its Facebook profile (which, in all reality, was restricted rather than redesigned), what is the difference now between the city’s Facebook profile and the city’s Web site?

    I asked Roth this question and she offered this:
    “The one thing that is different is that I try to (provide) news from the school districts, the park district, and if I see something happening in the city of Aurora that I feel citizens would be interested in knowing or attending, then I put it on Facebook as a service to our residents.”

    Examples include tax help for seniors, weather updates, park district plays, or students being inducted into the National Honor Society. Roth said none of those items would necessarily be available on the city’s Web site.

    Fair enough. It’s definitely still worth being a Facebook fan if you’re looking to get updates about local happenings. But the key to successful social media marketing that many businesses still may not have grasped is that it is also a sounding board for discussion and interaction with your consumers, or in the city’s case, residents. Through open discussion, a publication (or branch of government) can get new ideas, story tips, respond to questions quickly and easily — and so much more. Shutting off that discussion indicates a lack of understanding of Facebook’s audience, and a lack of acceptance that our society has reached a point where people expect to be heard whenever and wherever they want. It also implies a lack of transparency and will inevitably make residents feel as if their leaders are not interested in what they have to say.

    Facebook takes freedom of speech to new level - embrace it

    No matter the medium — from Letters to the Editor to Facebook comments — there will always be those sour grapes who have nothing nice to say about your publication or your staff. But editors, or moderators, do have the right and ability to take those comments out of the discussion.
    Though the city is directing its Facebook fans to an e-mail address to send comments, questions and information, it is frustrating to see the beauty of what Facebook provides — open, free and justifiable discussion in a convenient format — be covered with a black sheet.

    To see today’s vocal and interested residents in any city be blocked from airing their thoughts out of fear ... it breaks this journalist’s heart.